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Networking Rats for GP access.
Posted by: Luke McNeice ()
Date: 21 June, 2001 06:54AM

Dr Baird - Eastside surgery Belfast

Rats being used in Treatment Room by practice nurse.

This was then shared through the network to 3 GP surgeries. (Each surgery had its INR database changed to point to shared database file in Treatment room.
(This means that the Drs can access the rats program from their own PC's.

Shortcuts were set up to allow access to the rats program from either desktop (rats icon (picture) on desktop) or windows taskbar (handy if you have another application covering the screen.

printing from rats was sent to a shared a4 paper printer as preferred choice. This was also set-up.

some minor software problems (errors). However these seemed to be resolved on using the upgrade disk. (which was loaded on all PC's that had the rats program).

Evaluation period next 2-3 months. Installation appears stable.

Luke McNeice

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Re: Networking Rats for GP access.
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 24 June, 2001 01:33PM

The problem was probably with the prior version of RAT rather than true network error.
You will be getting the latest upgrade to v3.4 in the post in the next few days.
( as will all practices who attended the workshops so far)

Colm Rafferty

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