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Posted by: mark mcevoy ()
Date: 16 September, 2002 09:15PM

we,re having difficulty backing up on to floppy disc
i get the message that there is insufficient capacity on the disc and it seems to abort the task
however,most of the details do seem to load when the disc is checked
we have then found that this disk cannot be copied onto hard disc
sorry if this sounds like daft stuff from an infrequent user

thanks for your help,


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Re: back-up
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 19 September, 2002 12:10PM

Dear Mark,
As an alternative way of doing this,
On your PC, If you go to the 'My Computer' icon, double click, then select 'C:' double click, then 'Program files', then 'Rat Version 3'.
Within this folder will be several files.
The most important is the 'INR.MDB' file
Copy this file to another PC on the network or try again to copy it to a floppy (only if it is less then 1.4Mcool smiley
Colm Rafferty

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