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patient details won't load
Posted by: ian harris ()
Date: 26 April, 2002 11:57AM

Oldcastle surgery, Bridgend.

On entering 1 specific patient's details, 'getting previous warfarin details' appears in the bottom left hand corner of the RAT screen, in conjunction with the busy icon. The patient's details do not then subsequently load and we are unable to access the patient's anticoagultion record. The problem occurs in only 1 of our 120 patients monitored by RAT. How do we access this patient's anticoagulation record?

Many thanks for your help,

Dr. Ian Harris

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Re: patient details won't load
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 01 May, 2002 07:50PM

Dear All,
This has been fixed.
If recommended doses were changed on any day and no dose of a dot was used, it caused this error.
The latest update v3.692 fixes this.
Colm Rafferty

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