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New patient
Posted by: Donna ()
Date: 21 November, 2014 09:08AM

We have a patient who has just started warfarin. they commenced warfarin on the 17th at 1mg per day and first test INR thursday 20th at 1.0. Rat software read as if she had 3mg over the week, but she really took 3mg in 3 days. Rat software gave her new dose of 5mg over the week when they were in on Thursday. but this was a reduction and her INR was still 1.0. Have you got any guidance on new patients starting warfarin.

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Re: New patient
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 21 November, 2014 09:49AM

Dear Donna
You are best using the slow induction regimen on RAT
2mg per day checking on day 7 and adjusting the dose on day 14.
You will see it on the 'starting treatment' tab when you are adding a new patient.
Colm Rafferty

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