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New EMIS Web and New Computers
Posted by: Joanne Andreou ()
Date: 29 July, 2014 12:56PM

Dear Dr Rafferty,
We are migrating to EMIS Web and having all new computers in September, please advise:-
Do we download the RAT onto each pc as if we are new users?
How do we retrieve all the previous patient information stored on the old version?
We havent yet updated to I-Rat, should we do this on all pc prior to getting new computers?
Is there an additional registration fee for I-Rat (I think we have already paid for the old version this year)

Anything else I need to consider prior to this change? many thanks Joanne

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Re: New EMIS Web and New Computers
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 29 July, 2014 01:04PM

Dear Joanne,
The most important file is the database file called INR.MDB.
It is probably stored on a shared folder on your current EMIS server.
Go to any RAT PC, click on the 'Help' menu item, and choose the sub-menu item : 'About RAT'. You will see a path to the INR.MDB

You will need to have a shared folder when your new system arrives to copy across and store this file.

Install RAT-i on whatever number of PCs you need and then point them to the INR.MDB file using the 'Change network database' subitem under the 'Database menu item.

You can either install RAT-i now , or wait. If you do choose now , you need to install RAT-i on all the current RAT PCs.

No additional registration fee, annual emsil support fee

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