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Identifying Patients with an INR of 6 and above
Posted by: Tanya Allan ()
Date: 17 May, 2011 08:24AM

Dear Dr Rafferty

We would like to run an audit on patients who have an INR of 6 and above. We can't seem to find an audit within RAT to do this.

Can you advise please?

Best wishes.

Tanya Allan

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Re: Identifying Patients with an INR of 6 and above
Posted by: C Rafferty ()
Date: 17 May, 2011 08:29AM

Hi Tanya,
There is an audit on the list that identifies patients that have had an INR of greater than 4.5. See the item 'INR > 4.5 (named)' This list produced identifies the patient and the INR result and the date of the sample. From this you can extract the INRs > 6.

Colm Rafferty

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