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Duplicate unrecognised patients
Posted by: Brian Gent ()
Date: 20 August, 2001 11:52AM

New user having numerous problems with the ubiquitous "Run Time Error" crash.
Patients listed in the database are untraceable and will not open the file. Data inserted onto one patient has been inserted onto a different patient because the program will not recognise the patient. Inserting of back INR data, via Edit function again rejects with a run-time error. Is anyone else having such fun or are we alone?

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Re: Duplicate unrecognised patients
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 21 August, 2001 10:10AM

Dear Brian,
This is a known error which was fixed with version 3.5.
(Reference: [cgi.formulae.co.uk])
Please download the latest update at:
Copy to a floppy.
Take to the PC running RAT
Double-click the Rat_update.exe file (MAke sure RAT is not already running)
This should hopefully solve your problem
Let me know if any problems
Colm Rafferty

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