RAT Support Forum 

temporary stopping warfarin
Posted by: Richard Johnson ()
Date: 04 July, 2005 01:58PM

I noticed that if a high INR is entered, RAT sometimes advises to stop warfarin for 2 days. But when you look at the dosing instructions, it gives dosages for every day, and the weekly total is calculated as if warfarin is taken every day. Does RAT take into account that it has instructed the patient to stop warfarin for 2 days?

Re: temporary stopping warfarin
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 07 July, 2005 11:22AM

Dear Richard,
RAT gives the new dose for each day after the 2 days of no warfarin. You will note it says to 'restart' at new dose.
The logic is that if a patient fails to reattend on the new review date they will have a dosage schedule to continue on.

When an INR is between 4.5-5.5 the new weekly dose is calculated at 75-80% of previous dose to take into account the 2 days of no warfarin.

Colm Rafferty

Re: temporary stopping warfarin
Posted by: Kelly Jansen ()
Date: 16 June, 2014 03:09PM

Hi Colm

I am just wondering if the above still applies? When a patient is instructed to miss 2 days warfarin and return in a week I do not modify RAT. However a colleague does change the total weekly dose to reflect the 2 missed doses.

We were just wondering which is the correct method.

Thank you


Re: temporary stopping warfarin
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 16 June, 2014 03:14PM

Dear Kelly
You are correct , do not modify the weekly dose. RAT takes it into account, and adjusts the new dose of warfarin on the basis that the patient has missed 2 doses.

    Please note RAT should only be used by health professionals familiar with warfarin management
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