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Quarterly Claims
Posted by: CAROL ()
Date: 26 November, 2014 10:12AM

Hi Colm
Hope you are well. I reeived an email from the Board recently to say that I had not recorded the correct figures on my qaurterly return (enhanced services claim form). They want the figures for the number of patients registered in a quarter and not those seen. I replied saying that I did not know how I was expected to give this information, split down to the different levels, ie those seen in the Practice by the Practice Nurse and those seen in the community by the District Nurse AND in some months/quarters patients may have used both services due to the fact that they may have had a spell in hospital and are unable to attend the treatment room immediately following discharge.

Can you advise how you make the return and if you do not have Practice staff involved and are not claiming the higher level, could you suggest how I do this.

Many thanks

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Re: Quarterly Claims
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 26 November, 2014 10:22AM

This includes both currently registered and archived patients.
RAT defaults to the last quarter.
Total number of patients registered last quarter
Jul, 2014 - Sep, 2014 : 228

If a patient attended once or more in a certain quarter they are counted once for that quarter.
RAT defaults to the last quarter.
Total number patients attended in last quarter
including both active and archived patients
Jul, 2014 - Sep, 2014 : 216
Broken down per site
Treatment room : 174
District Nurse : 31
Nursing/Res Home : 9
Practice Nurse : 0
General Practitioner : 0
Pharmacist : 0
Hospital : 0
Other site : 2

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Re: Quarterly Claims
Posted by: rosie clarke ()
Date: 13 October, 2015 03:57PM

hi colm
hope u r well
have a problem trying to work out monthly lists of patients on rat system since
1.3.13-30.3.14 etc for probity audit
anty ideas
thanks ]

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Re: Quarterly Claims
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 13 October, 2015 04:48PM

Dear Rosie,

In the RAT search, if you choose 'List all patients' and enter chosen dates you will get a list of patients

1. who were started on warfarin between those dates
2. Active patients who started warfarin before those dates
3. archived patients on warfarin between these dates.

That should satisfy probity


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