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Archived data
Date: 16 July, 2014 03:54PM

Hi, I'm new to the RAT program and currently trialing it at our practice in Ireland. If I archive someone accidentally, is there a way or recovering this to the active registry or does it matter. Thanks

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Re: Archived data
Posted by: Colm Rafferty ()
Date: 16 July, 2014 04:19PM

Dear Richard,
You can retrieve archived patient data no problem.
Click the 'Search archive' icon on the toolbar (third from the right)
A window will appear.
Enter the first few initials of the surname
You will then see the patient details appear. and on the toolbar you will see the patient name.
To the right of the name is the 'Unarchive' icon. Click on this to unarchive.
The last stage is then to view the patient record.
Click on the 'Open patient' icon on the toolbar (first on the left)
As before enter a few letters of the surname to view
Colm Rafferty

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